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2019 New Year's Resolution: Keep Our Bodies Moving

Updated: Nov 8, 2020

Again? Resolutions already? It seems like every year we make promises to stay in shape, go to the gym, eat better. How can we manage to actually keep those promises to ourselves?

The answer is that physical health is often more than just "going to the gym." It's a perspective shift, a readjustment of how we see our bodies and the way we treat them. Part of the reason we often fall off the "Resolution Wagon" is that our attitudes around the gym are so drastic. We think that we must be sweating, no pain no gain, and that it should be a miserable Olympic trial that we must overcome. We have some great news for you, though! None of this is true.

Keeping up with your resolutions isn't about surmounting some insurmountable task, creating a perfect body with One Crazy Trick That Doctors Hate, or hitting the gym 5 days a week from January 1st through February 2nd (you know, when you inevitably run out of steam for a lifestyle you haven't set the foundations for).

Sticking to your resolutions is about making small, meaningful changes across many different parts of your life. A great first step towards being more active is, for example, if you work at a desk, deciding to get up and walk to the water cooler once every hour. Maybe you start dancing with your honey after dinner on a Tuesday night, really cut a rug in the living room. Creating small, replicable habits is the first step towards change. Doing small exercises whenever you have a moment; Thinking about sitting up a little straighter; Considering the mechanics of walking around, what muscles you're using and why.

Once we start thinking about our muscles and recognizing what they do, it's easier to focus on the work that needs to be done. While some of us can and do become outstanding athletes, the majority of us just want to get through our day without pain. Taking smaller steps to get there builds the foundation for further growth. You have to walk before you can run, and sometimes you have to get up out of a chair before you can walk - and that's ok!

If your New Year's goal is to get in shape, you're not going to get there by jumping under a 200 lb barbell for the first time or running 10 miles a day without practice. You can take your time, build up to that! If you're already coming for physical therapy, or have done so in the past, you know how simple some of the exercises can be. Get into the groove of doing smaller exercises every day. Maybe you take 10 minutes on your lunch break, or 15 after work. Maybe the first thing you do in the morning is crab walks and pushups. However you do it, keep in mind that the little steps to form the habit are the most important part. The human body is made to move, and once that habit is formed, the exercise endorphins kick in and make you want to do it more!

OK, so you've decided that this is a path you want to take. The world of exercise and wellness can be overwhelming. Where do you go? What do you do? What are some good starting points? That's where we come in!

  • Figure out what your goals are. At Matrix, we can go through what your specific needs are and do a complete evaluation. Our physical therapists don't just work on injuries; they also do fitness and injury prevention analyses, identifying weaknesses and strengths to help create a routine that best benefits your specific needs. We can build a program for you that is entirely customized to you. Those goals might be anything from getting up off the floor without help to running a half marathon.

  • Once you've decided on your goals, we'll do a full evaluation. That will include different diagnostic tests, strength tests, and other exercises to help your team figure out what route will be best for you. We'll help teach you what all those small changes, those baby steps, really are. We can show you what little things you can start thinking about to reshape your habits around fitness.

  • Once we've evaluated you, we can help you navigate which forms of exercise will be most beneficial. We offer a variety of comprehensive programs individually designed to help you develop your new lifestyle. These options include traditional weightlifting, manual therapy, balance training... And that's only the beginning. Starting the journey to better physical wellness can be challenging, but with a stellar team behind you, anything is possible!

  • If you're ready to take the first step towards living with more strength and less difficulty, give us a call! Schedule out with our amazing trainers, pilates instructor, and massage therapist to take your fitness game to the next level.

If you're unsure about what kind of activity level you're ready for, we offer the first pilates or massage session at a 50% discount. If you've decided you want to take the plunge and get a wellness package, you can purchase 10 sessions and get the 11th free!

We hope to see you around the office real soon so we can help you on your journey to physical wellness!

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